Dark Age - v0.9.1 Creature Comforts Update

There has been a lot of little improvements and quality of life updates!

I had in my mind for a while that I wanted to be able to show the current chapter and section in the footer but I was having trouble figuring out to do it without a lot of manual effort and my editor was crashing a lot so I wasn’t able to get it in before the initial release. But I downloaded the official appimage of the editor and suddenly all my issues went away, so I was able to figure it out! Now it should be a little easier to keep track of where you’re at in the book. Will be particularly useful for print runs down the line.

The core rules have been pretty much untouched for the last 3 months, but now that the other content is in I felt like I could revisit it. The armor and primary conflict resolution rules have been restructured and include more explanatory text to make them easier to digest. A lot of the core rules got minor improvements, including Instability and Vitals.

Fixed a ton of typos! I had been writing with spellchecker off to reduce distractions, so I’m surprised there weren’t more. It also helpfully changed the standard dashes to emdashes, so some sentences look a little nicer. I had to add an awful lot of new dictionary entries for all of the acronyms, abbreviations, and setting-specific compound words. Also, just like normal words. For some reason “hewn” wasn’t in its dictionary. Weird, right?

Anyway, there’s a bunch of new stuff. I try to keep track of it all as I did it in the changelog at the end of the book, so check that out for more.


Dark Age - Core Rules v0.9.1.pdf 20 MB
74 days ago

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